eBook Publishing World
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eBook Publishing World
Tools, services and resources that help you prepare, edit, promote and sell your next ebook
Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
September 9, 2012 3:47 PM

Create, Edit, Self-Publish and Sell Your eBook as You Write It: Leanpub - Publish Early, Publish Often

Robin Good: Leanpub is a free web service that allows you to create, edit and publish your own book in PDF, .epub (iPad) and .mobi (Kindle) formats, and to sell it online at your own set price.

With Leanpub you get 90% of the selling price, minus a fixed .50cents per copy sold which goes to Leanpub. Check this table for more details: http://i.imgur.com/ziqV5.jpg

Leanpub it's simple to use, but, in my opinion, it's not for everyone, as its setup is not as simple and straightforward (yet) as that of other web apps. But if you are a bit familiar with Dropbox, if you can easily edit text files, and don't mind tagging your book text with a few asterisks here and there, then you should be more than fine with this tool.

Basically Leanpub hooks up to your Dropbox account where it drops a set of simple text files that control the contents, sequence, formatting and images for your book.

So to work with Leanpub, you actually open a text file in your Dropbox account, and start editing it. The Leanpub account is used only to initially create the files needed in Dropbox, to generate previews and to provide you with the means to provide marketing info for your book landing page (auto-created by Leanpub).

It is possible to start a book by importing content from your blog RSS feed or from a Word document saved in HTML format.

One other cool feature of Leanpub is its ability to allow you, as an author, to publish and start selling your book at any time, giving you the option to actually get paid from the moment you publish your first edition.

People can sign-up to your book updates via the landing page, and Leanpub collects for you their emails so that you can keep in touch with them, and alert them everytime you have a new edition out.

The final cherry on the pie at Leanpub is the "bundling" feature which allows authors to bundle together either multiple books of their own, or their books together with other authors'(and their approval) ones and to offer them at a special discounted price.

This option by itself allows book authors both to use a very powerful marketing approach juxtaposing their titles to other relevant ones, as well as to cultivate their own competence in a specific area to curate relevant book sets for their audience. Check the bundling feature in this video here: http://youtu.be/BGJoDImqSqU

Video intro: http://youtu.be/Hl3IZ6I0wLs

Manifesto: https://leanpub.com/manifesto

Full intro tutorial: http://youtu.be/mEpfreY-3Aw 

FAQ: https://leanpub.com/help 

More info / sign-up: https://leanpub.com/ 

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Scooped by Robin Good
June 6, 2012 4:52 PM

eBook Distribution: Zola Books Bets On Curated Lists

eBook Distribution: Zola Books Bets On Curated Lists | eBook Publishing World | Scoop.it

From Portfolio.com: "...Zola Books, which has launched its app in beta today, is planning to disrupt the disrupters, wagering its success on its belief that human curation works better than algorithms when it comes to recommended reading.

The Zola Social Reader plans to bring a human touch back to e-books by bringing book critics, publishing houses, and bookworm friends back into the book-buying process.

It will work on Amazon's Kindle Fire, Barnes &Noble's Nook, and Apple's iPad as both a native app and an HTML5 app, an offering that undermines all three gadget maker's competitive edges by giving owners of their devices a new choice for where to buy books. And for an e-book industry estimated to be worth $7 billion by 2015, that’s a pretty bold move.


Zola’s digital storefronts... Not only will independent bookstores be able to set up their own digital storefronts, but authors, publishers, and other owners of content will be able to set the prices.


Like other e-book distributors, Zola’s Social Reader uses algorithms to generate quick recommendations based on user preferences, but unlike those distributors, it also gives publishers, authors, and friends the opportunity to curate lists of interesting books and highlight or comment within any book for all their friends to see."

Read more: http://www.portfolio.com/companies-executives/2012/06/05/zola-books-concept-disrupts-apple-and-amazon-ebook-models 

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