Opus is a state-of-the-art royalty-free lossy audio codec convering more applications than any other single audio codec— from low latency VoIP to high fidelity music storage. After five years of open development, including contributions from Xiph.Org, Skype/Microsoft, Mozilla, Broadcom, and many individual developers, Opus was standardized in 2012 by the IETF in RFC 6716 and has since been deployed to hundreds of millions of computers and devices.

Daala is a new open effort to build a state-of-the-art video codec targeting compression performance beyond HEVC and VP9. Leveraging the experience we had with Opus we are building a new technical framework for video coding the ground up to avoid patent thickets and be royalty free: By breaking from the common design pattern of block based transform codecs we avoid many licensing complications and create an opportunity to better resolve some of the weaknesses of existing formats.

Via Ludovic Bostral