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Scrapping Trident and transitioning to a nuclear-free world | P2P Foundation

Rather than wasting these vast sums on the inhumane machinery of warfare, we could provide emergency assistance to desperate refugees and asylum seekers.

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Essay of the Day: Commons for Peace | P2P Foundation

Essay of the Day: Commons for Peace | P2P Foundation | Peer2Politics |
* Article: Commons for Peace. James Quilligan. Kosmos Journal, FALL | WINTER 2011 Summary: “Although the term ‘human security’ has various meanings, two have predominated.
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Why the Kurdish Struggle for Democratic Confederalism is so important for all of us | P2P Foundation

Why the Kurdish Struggle for Democratic Confederalism is so important for all of us | P2P Foundation | Peer2Politics |
“What is novel about the Kurdish struggle for self-determination is its very definition of self-determination. The concept, when applied to nations, is generally taken to mean the right of nations to secede and form states of their own, but the Kurds see it differently. Many believe an experiment in democratic confederalism is what the region really needs.
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Essay of the Day: Corporate Espionage Against Nonprofit Organizations

Essay of the Day: Corporate Espionage Against Nonprofit Organizations | Peer2Politics |

“This report is an effort to document something we know little about: corporate espionage against nonprofit organizations. The entire subject is veiled in secrecy. In recent years, there have been few serious journalistic efforts – and no serious government efforts to come to terms with the reality of corporate spying against nonprofits.

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Drones, Open Source Warfare, and Peak Armaments

“Drones are essentially flying–and sometimes armed–computers,” the Brookings Institution noted in a paper published last month. They’re robots who follow the curve of Moore’s Law rather than the Pentagon’s budgets, rapidly evolving in performance since the Predator’s 2002 debut while falling in price to the point where Make magazine recently carried instructions on how to launch your own satellite for $8,000.


196766's curator insight, November 19, 2013 12:02 PM

This is a good indicator that this industry is an up and growing, and will be big soo. The FAA will now open airspace soon for the average consumer so the amound of possible options for work will increase dramatically

Scooped by jean lievens!

Thesis: Internet Security and the Limits of Open Source and Peer Production | P2P Foundation

Thesis: Internet Security and the Limits of Open Source and Peer Production | P2P Foundation | Peer2Politics |
“It is commonly asserted that almost any societal activity could benefit from distributed, bottom-up collaboration — by making societal interaction more open, more social, and more democratic. However, we also need to be mindful of the limits of these models. How could they function in environments hostile to openness?” * Doctoral Thesis: Secrecy vs. Openness. …
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Janet Biehl on Libertarian Municipalism and the Kurdish Struggle | P2P Foundation

Janet Biehl on Libertarian Municipalism and the Kurdish Struggle | P2P Foundation | Peer2Politics |
Janet Biehl biographer of Murray Bookchin discusses the deep influence of his writings on Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan
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P2P Foundation » Blog Archive » Eben Moglen: “Snowden and the Future”

P2P Foundation » Blog Archive » Eben Moglen: “Snowden and the Future” | Peer2Politics |

The ongoing Snowden revelations about NSA surveillance have all sorts of implications for the rule of law, constitutional democracy, geopolitical alignments, human rights and much else.  The disclosures deserve our closest attention for these reasons alone.  But what do these revelations have to do with the commons?

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Does cyberwar hacking promote peace?

Does cyberwar hacking promote peace? | Peer2Politics |

“The hype about everything “cyber” has obscured three basic truths: cyberwar has never happened in the past, it is not occurring in the present, and it is highly unlikely that it will disturb the future. Indeed, rather than heralding a new era of violent conflict, so far the cyber-era has been defined by the opposite trend: a computer-enabled assault on political violence.”

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Maximum Distributed Outreach vs Total Surveillance Control

Maximum Distributed Outreach vs Total Surveillance Control | Peer2Politics |

“The use of modern communication technologies promises maximum range and the option to reach millions of people “with just a few clicks.” Behind this promise, however, often hide very powerful companies that prosper on data collection. “Data mining”, i.e. the mass gathering and subsequent sale or utilization of user data is big business in the 21st Century. Even countries and their security forces, such as intelligence agencies and the police, are very interested in access to such data and interfaces via automated skimming. This creates a large gap between the fantastic opportunity to communicate with millions of people for free and the protection of privacy in the digital age. A solution to this dilemma is the establishment of decentralized communication systems which are in the hands of activists themselves and which ensure both data protection and the access to as many people as possible in the global network. The building blocks for this are already there: free software, creative ideas, technical programming expertise.”


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