eBook Publishing World
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eBook Publishing World
Tools, services and resources that help you prepare, edit, promote and sell your next ebook
Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
April 17, 2012 4:55 PM

Build, Publish and Distribute Your eBook To All Major Marketplaces with Vook

Build, Publish and Distribute Your eBook To All Major Marketplaces with Vook | eBook Publishing World | Scoop.it

Robin Good: Vook, the revolutionary and much-awaited eBook publishing platform is finally available and it looks like expectations are not going to be disappointed.

With Vook you can upload, edit, format and style your eBook, all online, while being ablr to add and integrate text, images and video clips.

Set meta-data, marketing information and pricing and then distribute directly to the Amazon Kindle, the Apple iBookstore / iPad and to the Barnes and Nobles Nook.

Here the full distribution list and author commissions on each one: http://guide.vook.com/distribute/accounts-payment/ 

Content specifications for authors: http://guide.vook.com/prepare/content-specifications/ 

Pricing info: http://vook.com/plans-and-pricing/     

More info: http://vook.com/ 

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Scooped by Robin Good
March 13, 2012 2:38 PM

Ebook Sales: 7 Tools To Track Them

Ebook Sales: 7 Tools To Track Them | eBook Publishing World | Scoop.it

From the article intro: "If you are anything like other ebook authors I know, then you probably spend a fair amount of time checking your ebooks’ sales figures and rankings.

The reports offered at some major ebook stores, however, tend to be quite basic. Fortunately there are a number of alternative tracking services available.

Some of the following services also attempt to estimate sales but remember these are only estimates. Unless the source is directly from the ebook store, e.g. Amazon, then this will probably only a “best guess” of expected sales based on a particular rank.

With tools like these you can also keep track of how your competitors’ ebooks are doing and even get some ideas for your next book by researching the performance of particular titles."

Useful. 7/10

Full article: http://www.publishyourownebooks.com/7-tools-for-tracking-ebook-sales/ 

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